Upon purchase of Peak PM Prep courses, you are invited to create an account on our learning platform and immediately access our learning platform (and any relevant published materials, typically required pre-work).
Refunds are only granted for individuals who have not yet accessed these online materials.
To be eligible for a refund:
- The learner cannot have accessed the online course materials, and
- The request must be submitted prior to the course start date.
Requests that do not meet these parameters will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Contact info@peakpmprep.com. If you are approved for a refund, it will be processed on the original method of payment and may take 3-5 business days.
Refunds will not be issued to learners who fail to meet their course commitments each week.
If a learner is not able to keep up with the mandatory course activities, Peak PM Prep may suspend their access to the online course materials and defer their registration to the next immediate cohort/intake. The learner will receive advance communication from Peak PM Prep or their instructor.
If a learner is deferred to the next cohort and fails to complete mandatory course activities for a second time, upon suspension of their access to course materials, a deferral fee of $300 may be charged to re-enroll in the following cohort/intake.
Need Help?
Contact us at info@peakpmprep.com for questions related to refunds or our deferral policy.